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Alumni -> RONG Hongqing
RONG Hongqing
(1923 - )Wuxi, Jiangsu Province
Mr. RONG Hongqing. Banker and industrialist. Graduated from the Business Administration Department at University of Shanghai in 1946.
Mr. RONG is the member of directors of Taiwan Shanghai Commercial Bank since 1946; he was the vice- director since 1983 and the director since 1991. Mr. RONG was named as 9ustice of the Peace” in Hong Kong in 1971. Currently, he serves as the president of the China Travel Service in Taiwan and Shanghai ShenNa Textile co., Ltd, and also serves as the general manager of Nanyang Holdings co., Ltd and Hong Kong Nanyang Mills co., Ltd.
Mr. RONG Hongqing was named as the Outstanding Alumni of USST in 2006.
University of Shanghai for Science & Technology
| Business School
Address : 334 Military Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai, China
Tel : 021-65710163,65710216
E-mail : glxybgs@usst.edu.cn
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